I would be very grateful, if you think you could help with our Fayre in any way, please sign the list placed at the back of the Church. There are lots of jobs needed to make the Fayre a success.
*Someone who would be willing to Advertise the event
*People to organise and sell on a stall,
*People to organise & run a table game.
*A person to organise refreshments to sell, cakes etc. and people to serve them, or wash up.
We will be grateful for appropriate goods, needed on the stalls please. These can be placed in the boxes at the back of the Church: Raffle prizes.
Cakes for the Cake stall (on Friday afternoon on the 2nd or Saturday morning).
People to help prepare the Church for the Fayre on Friday 2nd December at 2pm and to help pack away at the end of the Fayre
PLEASE if you can help in any way. It is such a blessing to be able to welcome all visitors to their Church and let them know how welcome they are and how lovely it is to meet them.
Also, this year we are all aware of large price rises within our daily lives.
This also applies to our Church, especially on the subject of heating.
Thank you Heather 07882 734507