Who’s who at St John’s?


The Reverend Guy Scott

Father Guy can be contacted at the Vicarage (42 Priory Close, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2HZ) on 01761 412904 or by email on vicarmsnstjohns@gmail.com

Associate Priest

The Reverend Philip Hopper

Philip can be contacted on 07596 759584 or by email: frphiliphopper@gmail.com


Our Churchwardens are

Pat Clynes  Tel; 01761 412928 email:patclynes@hotmail.co.uk

Hilary Denning Tel: 07828 550006 email:hilaryjohn87@gmail.com

Additional Clergy

The Rev’d James Balliston-Thicke and The Ven. Tony Wilds









Our organist is Margaret Whatley and our Choir Master is Geoff Miles









Employed staff
Parish Administrator – Liz Casson Tel: 411216 email msnparishoffice@gmail.com.

Hall Bookings – Carolyn Wroe on 07591 557578


Who will you talk to if you observe or are told about Safeguarding concerns?

The Parish Safeguarding Officer

Ann Munton

Tel: 07895 038871

Email: midsomernortonsafeguarding@gmail.com

Diocesan safeguarding manager: Ben Goodhind

Tel: 01749 588917

Email:  via https://www.bathandwells.org.uk/reporting-concerns-or-abuse


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