Our church is only one of four in the Diocese of Bath and Wells to have 12 bells. The oldest date from 1623, and three of them were a gift from Charles II, whose effigy can be seen in a niche on the south side of the tower.
The bells are rung to call people to services on Sundays and for other important occasions in the church calendar. They are also rung to celebrate weddings, anniversaries and national events.
Anyone can ring: young and old, male and female: equal opportunities apply! Various social events are organized, including dinners, quiz nights, skittles and barbecues, giving our ringers opportunities to meet ringers from other towers.
Ringers are made welcome at churches all over the British Isles and in those countries abroad where ringing is done in the ‘English Style’.
Practice night at St. John’s is Wednesday from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. and Sunday ringing takes place from time to time before the 1000 service. Please check ahead with our Tower Secretary before coming along to a practice as we don’t ring every week.
If you would like to learn to ring or to see what is involved, please contact The Tower Secretary, Mrs Margaret Marshall, or Tower Captain, Robert Perry, care of our Parish Office msnparishoffice@gmail.com
Videos of bellringing before our recent Patronal Festival.