Tuesday 11th June
10.30am Coffee Morning
12pm. Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 12th June
12.30pm Lunch Concert with refreshments – Mendip Trio
7.30pm Learners Bell Practice.
7.30pm Deanery Synod
Friday 14th June
10.00am Gardening Group in the open churchyard
Saturday 15th June – for information
11.00am National 12 bell Ringing competition at Chilcompton
7.30pm Concert at the Methodist Church in aid of Dorothy House – From the Top Orchestra
Information and tickets at https://www.fromthetop.live/events
Sunday 16th June. Third Sunday after Trinity
8am Holy Eucharist
10am Parish Eucharist
Readings:- Ezekiel Chapter 17 vs. 22-end
Mark Chapter 4. Vs. 26-34