Congratulations to St John’s school.
Our church school was inspected by SIAMS recently. A SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the school’s Christian Vision in all areas of school life and especially on the children, young people and adults who attend it.
The report was recently published and the school is delighted to announce that they have an overall grade of ‘Excellent’.
There were many strengths highlighted including: ‘The schools vision is deeply rooted in Christian thinking…”Collective worship inspires pupils to understand the vision and its relevance to their lives.’ ‘Pupils respond very well to the school’s inspirational, invitational and inclusive worship.’
Well done everyone!
Naomi MacLeod-Jones will be familiar to many of you. Among her many roles she is also Director of Primary School Musical Outreach, at Wells Cathedral.
Recently she has been working with choirs of children in three Somerset primary schools. On Thursday 16th June , our church school joined St Benedict’s Junior School, Glastonbury, and St Joseph’s and St Teresa’s Catholic Primary
School, Wells, to perform in a glorious lunchtime concert in the cathedral. It was such a joyful celebration and the culmination of much hard work!
If you know a child who loves singing, they may like to join the Wells Cathedral Song Squad (for children aged 7 to 13) or the Song Squad Minis (for children aged 4-6). It’s an opportunity to sing to a high standard and perform concerts.
Both choirs are great fun, open to all who attend any school, and there is no need to audition – children just need to enjoy singing. Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays from 5.00 – 5.40 p.m. for the Minis and from 5.00 – 6.15 p.m. for
Song Squad during term time. For more information on either choir please contact Naomi MacLeodJones via