TUESDAY 14th June
10.30 am Coffee in Church
Mother’s Union Outing
12 Noon Holy Eucharist
THURSDAY 16th June Corpus Christi
7.30 pm Sung Eucharist
FRIDAY 17th June
11.00am Holy Eucharist for St John’s Walsingham Cell, all are welcome.
6.30 pm Choir Practice
SATURDAY 18th June
12.30 pm Memorial Service for the life of Mary Hickmott at High Littleton church
Please continue to support The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal by putting your
donations in the green demi jar at the back of church.
Foodbank needs for June: – Biscuits, coffee, corned beef, custard, tinned fish,
fruit juice, tinned fruit, jam. ketchup & brown sauce, macaroni cheese, meat soup,
milk powder, rice pudding, pasta sauce, savoury & sweet snacks plus carrier bags,
cleaning products, deodorants, kitchen roll, laundry detergent, shampoo &
conditioner, shower gel, toilet cleaner, child & adult toothbrushes & toothpaste,
washing up liquid. Very many thanks for your ongoing support & generosity.