Midsomer Norton’s new vicar, Rev’d Guy Scott, arrived in the town in October last year. Since then the community has been in lockdown for the majority of the time but that does not mean that the church has been closed or inactive. Symbolically Father Guy moved immediately to open the church on Tuesdays for private prayer. Guy commented:
“For some a focus or stillness helps, and an open church can allow people the space to pray. So if at all possible churches should be open for personal prayer and reflection.”
Guy’s licensing service by the Bishop of Taunton had to be broadcast on YouTube but nearly 200 people were able to access the service that way and that has led to St John’s setting up its own YouTube and other social media that can be accessed from the church’s website. Church Council Meetings and Bible study groups have transferred to Zoom and the business of church life has kept running. Guy has also been able to lead collective worship at St John’s CE Primary School.
Guy has kept Sunday services going too. The church had to issue stringent restrictions about who can attend church in person but the 15 people in church are routinely joined by 50 to 80 people watching on YouTube. As shielding comes to an end and England progresses along the roadmap back to normality the congregation at St John’s hope to come back to church in greater numbers in time for Easter Day. As seating is socially distanced it will still be necessary to book in advance. If you would like to come to church, please email Churchwarden Carol Moore carolmoore226@yahoo.com or call her on Tel: 412226.
It is especially moving that the congregation begin to return to church as Easter. Father Guy remarked:
“Christians are “Easter People”, and as we celebrate again that life, rather than death, has won the day our hope is renewed.”