Safeguarding Training

The requirements for safeguarding training have been updated recently. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Ann Munton brings the following to our attention.

The information is also available under the Safeguarding drop down menu of the website.

Safeguarding Training

What safeguarding training do I need?


  • Anyone who holds a volunteer position in the church is asked to complete a Basic Awareness course.


  • If you need a DBS check for your role in the church you should complete the Foundations course as well as Basic Awareness.


  • All PCC members must complete the following courses:

Basic Awareness


Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse


All training courses are available online from the Church of England safeguarding training portal which can be found here:

Instructions on setting up an account on the portal can be found here:

Instruction for accessing basic safeguarding awareness

If you not able to access the online learning please contact Ann Munton at

If you complete a course please send a copy of your certificate to our parish administrator Liz Casson at

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