On the 19th July we moved to Step 4 of our Government’s ‘Roadmap out of Lockdown’. The approach taken by the Government in this step is to remove most coronavirus legislation but to promote guidance that emphasises the personal and corporate responsibility of individuals and organisations to protect others and themselves. Mindful of the rising rates of infection in Bath and North East Somerset, following guidance issued by the Church of England, after consultation with your PCC, and bearing in mind our responsibility for one another and the wider community, the following recommendations are made for when we gather for worship in the Parish Church:
- We recommend that we continue to wear masks, sanitise hands, and observe social distancing.
- We recommend that you register your attendance when arriving for worship. (Please note that you no longer have to pre-book a place.)
- We recommend that we continue to share the ‘Peace’ with a smile and gesture, rather than by touch.
- We recommend that, should you wish to sing the hymns, you consider wearing a mask or, if you decide to sing without a mask, to do so quietly, please, to reduce the spread of aerosol droplets.
- The sacrament of Holy Communion will be administered in both kinds, consecrated bread, and consecrated wine from a shared chalice. The bread will be consecrated and administered as it has been during the pandemic. It is important that no one should feel pressure to receive the wine. Receiving in one kind only as we have been doing for several months remains perfectly acceptable. If you choose to receive the wine, the administrant only will hold the chalice and help you to receive.
This guidance is offered so that we can celebrate the Holy Eucharist in a safe and appropriate way.
Please note that we hope to reinstate the 8.00am Holy Eucharist on Sundays from the 5th September 2021.
A downloadable document for those who wish to have a copy:-